The Program on Culture of Lawfulness (CulturLeg) conducts research, development, and innovation activities aimed at strengthening and optimizing the relationships between public institutions, legal norms, and citizens within democratic contexts.
Its activities focus on four complementary areas:
- Basic and applied research.
- Professional and academic training.
- Institutional and social consultancy.
- Evaluation and public foresight.

The CulturLeg program constitutes a consolidated research path with extensive experience in R&D&I activities. Click below to know more
Currently, the Program is carrying out the project National Research Network on the Culture of Lawfulness and the Fight against Corruption [3] (RED2022-134265-T MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) [2023-2025] funded by the Spanish State Agency for Research and develops its work as a consultant selected by the Council of Europe within the framework of the Framework Agreement No. ECCD-TB2023-AO-57-UCM for the provision of intellectual services in the area of good governance and combating economic crime.
Enrolment period for the University Expert Diploma: Responsible for the Information System on Infringements of the Law (Law 2/2023) is now open.
Enrolment period: from 9 September to 28 November 2024.
Eunomía renews the FECYT editorial quality seal
Eunomía. Journal on the Culture of Lawfulness achieves the renewal of the Editorial and Scientific Quality Seal from the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) in its VIII call. It once again obtains the Mention of Good Editorial Practices in Gender Equality.The FECYT Quality Seal...
Delincuencia corporativa: compliance, canales de denuncia y persecución penal
New book! Nicolás Rodríguez García, Ana Carrillo del Teso y Giorgio D. M. Cerina (eds.). Presented by Joan Llinares.
Job offer. Project AI_PublicGov
We offer a contract for a doctoral student funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, for a maximum duration of four years, to research in the project “Opening the black-box of algorithm-mediated public governance. Artificial intelligence implications in governments, public services...
Culturas legales, ciudadanía y exclusión en la racionalidad moderna. Miradas desde Europa y América
Venue: Faculty of Philosophy. UCM
Organized by: Grupo GINEDIS
Workshop on corruption prevention
Analysis of #NextGenerationEU funds
Hour: 09:30 - 13:20
Venue: URJC. Campus de Madrid – C/Quintana, 2 (Madrid) - Sala de Reuniones, 3ªPlanta
Online attendance
Los malestares en la academia
Daño y desafección en los espacios universitarios
Hour: 9:30.
Venue: Room 217. Faculty of Philosophy, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Eunomia. Journal on Lawfulness is a six-monthly interdisciplinary academic publication with international outreach that is disseminated electronically.
The journal was awarded the FECYT seal of quality, ranked in Q1 in Law, and is included in catalogs and databases such as SCOPUS (SJR Q3 LAW), DOAJ, ERIH PLUS, REDIB, ISOC, Latindex, Dialnet, MIAR, Ulrich’s Directory or RESH.
The CULTURLEG program currently has more than 100 researchers participating in its projects. Click to know the IPs and heads of the participating research groups.