Artificial intelligence and gender equality

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a group of disruptive technologies that promises to transform the public sector and is already a reality in many countries. The use of AI has many advantages, but also great risks, such as the presence of biases in the data and in the algorithms, which can amplify existing discriminations and injustices such as gender inequality. Addressing the adoption and use of AI from a gender perspective is essential in order to guarantee a democratic use of new technologies that is respectful of human rights. This document analyzes the AI Strategies of the European Union, Sweden and Spain to determine to what extent their proposals for AI promote (or not) gender equality. Some improvement proposals are also presented to promote equal use of AI in Spain


Diego López Garrido, vicepresidente ejecutivo de la Fundación Alternativas


Inmaculada Ballesteros, directora del Observatorio de Cultura y Comunicación de la Fundación Alternativas


‘Inteligencia artificial e igualdad de género. Un análisis comparado entre la UE, Suecia y España’, de Lucía Ortiz de Zárate Alcarazo y Ariana Guervara Gómez


Iban García del Blanco, diputado del Parlamento Europeo, miembro de la Comisión Especial sobre Inteligencia Artificial en la Era Digital

Celia Fernández Aller, profesora de la ETS de Ingeniería de Sistemas Informáticos de la UPM

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